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The Humours Of Whiskey by Hozier

The Humours Of Whiskey chords by Hozier

Guitar chords with lyrics

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

♫ Verse 1:
N.C.  A             E
Come guess me this riddle: what beats pipes and fiddle,
    D      A      E
what’s hotter than mustard, and milder than cream?
N.C.  A               E
What best wets your whistle? What’s clearer than crystal,
D       A     E       A
sweeter than honey, and stronger than steam?

♫ Bridge:
A                E
What can make the dumb talk? What can make the lame walk?
A                 E     A
What’s the elixir of life and philosopher’s stone?
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Verse 2:
N.C. A          D         E
And what helped Mr. Brunel to dig the Thames tunnel?
N.C.   A           E    A
Sure wasn’t it whiskey from old Innishowen?
   A      E      A      E
So stick to the cratur the best thing in nature
  D       A      E      A
for sinking your sorrows and raising your joys.

♫ Outro:
  E              A      D
And boys, I'd half wonder if lightning and thunder
   D       A      E     A
was made from the plunder of whiskey me boys.

The Humors of Whiskey - A traditional folk song originally written in 1825
Cratur - another word for whiskey/whisky (depending on the area you come from).
Elixir of Life - another word for philosopher’s stone.
Philosopher’s stone - a stone or substance that was thought to turn base metals into gold.
In Harry Potter however, it causes Nicholas Flamel to achieve immortality.
Mr. Brunel (Marc Isambard Brunel And Isambard Kingdom Brunel) -
built a tunnel connecting Rotherhithe to Wapping in the 1830’s in London.

The Humours Of Whiskey chords

Hozier chords for The humours of whiskey

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The Humours Of Whiskey by Hozier guitar chords playing instructions.

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