The chords used in this song are: Am7, Em7, D, C, G, D, Cadd9, Fmaj7. E A D G B e Em7 0 2 2 0 3 0 G 3 x 0 0 0 3 Cadd9 x 3 2 0 3 3 Am7 x 0 2 0 1 0 Fmaj7 x 0 3 2 1 0 --------------------------- Example chord pattern: Am7 Em7 D Cadd9 G Standin' .., /
D Cadd9 cause ... And for the chorus: G Fmaj7 C Cadd9 //// //// /// That's .. G Fmaj7 C Cadd9 //// //// /// Somethings .., G Fmaj7 C Cadd9 Am7 Em7 //// //// /// Ah, but ... and so on... -- | Serge J. Belongie | "When the big one hits, I'll be | | California Institute of Technology | headin' north at 110 miles per!" | | B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1995 | | | | -Repo Man |