Chords used E5 079900 F#m11no5 097900 Bsus4 224400 A add 9 577600 D sus 2 X00230 E 022100 E7 020100 Introduction: E5 F#m11no5 E5 Napoleon (F#m11no5 E5 F#m11thno5th) Wore a black hat (E5 F#m11no5) Et lots of chicken (E5 F#m11no5) And conquered half Europe (E5 F#m11no5) Napoleon (E5 F#m11thno5th) Was caught by the British (E5 F#m11no5) Imprisoned on Elba (E5 F#m11no5) He died on the phone (E5 F#m11no5)
Chamberlain Came crawling from Munich With one piece of paper He waved at the camera Peace in our time Oh thank you Herr Hitler Tell that to the Polish Tell that to the Jews You take your babes Up to the bathroom And then you lead Them into the bedroom Gnarly babes For pleasure and profit Correctly applied Could bring good results Cynthia mask (Bsus4) You're wearing a Cynthia mask (E Aadd9) Cynthia mask (Bsus4) You're wearing a Cynthia mask (E Aadd9)[back to (E5 F#m11no5)] You're dressed as yourself You walk down the pavement You smile like a bowl You grin like a melon The people that pass They think that they know you They're too busy thinking To see who you are I'll reach your lungs Like smoke in the orchard Scattered in bushes The firemen laughing I'll rap your hands With personal signals Don't come to me later Come to me now Cynthia mask (Bsus4) You're wearing a Cynthia mask (E Aadd9) Cynthia mask (Bsus4) Cynthia mask (Dsus2) I know how she feels (A) But can't say a word because (E7) Nothing is real in here (Dsus2 A) Not even her (E5) [back to (E5 F#m11thno5th)] Disguise yourself As you or another A brick or a spider In hunger and silence The yawning cross The hill full of pebbles Inside you forever Inside you is all Cynthia mask The only version on the internet I’ve seen says to alternate between E and F#m7, but it’s not right. So I came up with this version. This is the best I’ve been able to determine how this song goes. I still think the middle part is not quite right yet, but it’s pretty close.