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Talking To The Moon by Don Henley

Talking To The Moon chords by Don Henley

Guitar chords with lyrics

I can't find chords or tabs for this song anywhere,
it's a classic, so here I made a start, I would like
someone to correct the numerous mistakes, thanks

Talking To the Moon   Don Henley

     G       D      C
When the hot September sun down in Texas, has
Am           G    C          D
sucked the streams bone dry, and turned the roads to dust,
    G       D       C
in the sleepy little towns down in Texas the
Am           G     C          D
shades are all pulled down, the streets are all rolled up
       F           C
and the only thing that breaks the silence, are the
Am        G
trucks a-passing by, and
F         C
late at night on a front porch swing you can
Am        D
hear a mournful sigh. And the lonesome
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G      Am      C     D
Whipowill,  cries to the stars above,  he was
G      Am     C     D
calling out,  for his lady love, she's been
G      D
gone so long.

D      Fmaj7     C
I was just talking to the moon---
Fmaj7     C         D
hopin' someday soon-- that I'd be over---
F       C         G
the memory of you,  too hard to hold,and the

D        C
wind across the plains, is
D      C
all that now remains, you know the
F           C
night shakes loose the names, but they
Am       F         D
never quite go back the way they came

  Em     Am     Em
So goodbye, rodeo-- it's a long, funny
C        Am
way for a man to go, and never
F      Am       D
change-,  never change at all----

D      Fmaj7     C
I was just talking to the moon---
Fmaj7     C         D
hopin' someday soon-- that I'd be over---
F       C         G
the memory of you,  too hard to hold

      Fmaj7     C
I was just talking to the moon---
Fmaj7     C         D
hopin' someday soon-- that I'd be over---
F       D
the memory of  you--

Talking To The Moon chords

Don Henley chords for Talking to the moon

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Talking To The Moon by Don Henley guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Talking To The Moon" by Don Henley! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Talking To The Moon" by Don Henley with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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