with SMTP id ; Fri, 11 Dec 1992 08:54:01 -0800 11 Dec 92 8:49 PST id AA10604 (5.64+/UK-2.1-921111); Fri, 11 Dec 92 11:50:24 -0500 Fri, 11 Dec 92 11:51:14 EST X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.0.3 12/22/89) James, Here is my contribution to the archives. I have transcribed the acoustic intro to crazy on you as it was taught to me; I understand that it appeared a few years back in one of the guitar mags, but I have never seen it. Thanks for doing a great job in maintaining the archives; I have grabbed many of the selections stored there, and I hope that my small contribution will repay in a small way for this fantastic resource.
MH++ _ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ _ Michael J. Hoffman | |_| |/ .\| =| =| V | / \ | \| | Encore Computer Corporation |_| |_|\__/|_| |_| |_|V|_|/_^_\|_|\_| mhoffman@encore.com "I am logged in, therefore I am." ---------8<---CUT HERE--->8---------- Here is the acoustic intro section to 'Crazy on You'. It is split into several sections; this has the combined advantages of 1) helping to break up the learning of it into smaller pieces, and 2) helping to remember where you are, as there is some repetition and it is easy to fall into a 'loop' :-) I have added the symbol ^ under the tab to try to approximate the downbeat; the rhythm is something along the lines of a shuffle. It certainly helps to listen to the original when you try to learn this! I have used the following symbols in the tablature: / Slide up \ Slide down p Pull off h Hammer on () The note is still ringing from the previous time it was struck The note is a harmonic ^ Rhythm beat CRAZY ON YOU (INTRO) Heart Section 1 E------------------------ B--------3-1\0----------- G----2/4---2\0-0--------- D------------------------ A------------------------ E------------------------ ^ ^ Section 2 E------------------------------------------------------------------------ B------------3p1p0---1-----------------------------------3p1p0---1------- G------------------2---2-------0------4---5---0h2-(2)(2)-------2---2----- D--------------------------2/4--------4---5---0h2-(2)(2)----------------- A--------0-0---------0---0--------0-0---0----------0--0----------0---0--- E------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Section 3 rake E------------------------------------------------------------------------ B------------------------------------------------0----------------------- G------------0----2-----2--1---2/4---2---0h1--------2p0------------------ D--------2/4------2----2-------------------------0----------------------- A--------------0--3---3----2---3/5---4---2(2)---------------------------- E----------------------------0-----0---0------0--3----------------------- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Section 4 (Just like Section 2 except add 'A' on the first two notes) E------------------------------------------------------------------------ B------------3p1p0---1-----------------------------------3p1p0---1------- G--------2-2-------2---2-------0------4---5---0h2-(2)(2)-------2---2----- D--------------------------2/4--------4---5---0h2-(2)(2)----------------- A--------0-0---------0---0--------0-0---0----------0--0----------0---0--- E------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Section 5 <---See Note 1----> E------------------------------------5----------------------------------- B------------------------3-----5p3---3---0--------------------------- G------------0-----4-----4---4-----4-----0--------------------------- D--------2/4---------4-------------------0--------------------------- A--------------0-0-0---0---0---------0----------------------------------- E------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Section 6 (Same as Section 2) E------------------------------------------------------------------------ B------------3p1p0---1-----------------------------------3p1p0---1------- G------------------2---2-------0------4---5---0h2-(2)(2)-------2---2----- D--------------------------2/4--------4---5---0h2-(2)(2)----------------- A--------0-0---------0---0--------0-0---0----------0--0----------0---0--- E------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Section 7 E------------------------------------------------------------------------ B------------------------------------------------------------------------ G------------0----------------------------------------------------------- D--------2/4-----0-----4-----2------------------------------------------- A--------------0-----5-----3--------------------------------------------- E------------------5-----3----------------------------------------------- ^ ^ ^ ^ Section 8 <---See Note 2---> E--------------------------0-------------------------------------0------- B------3p1p0---1-------------3-1-0---------3p1p0---1-----------0---0----- G------------2---2-----------------2-0-----------2---2---0h1-1---1---1--- D--------------------0---0-------------------------------------0---0----- A--0-0---------0---0-----------------------------------------2-------2--- E----------------------3---------------2-2---------2---2---0------------- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Free Time--> Section 9 E--------------------------------- B-----6---5h6p5p0---5------------- G-----------------5---7-5-4------- D-----0---------------------6----- A--------------------------------- E-----------------------------0--- Note 1: Use the chord shown below. Your pinky belongs on the first string at the 5th fret, but you should move it over to the second string 5th fret for the pull-off, then place it on the first string for the chord that follows. E---5-- pinky B---3-- index G---4-- ring D---4-- middle A---0-- E------ Mote 2: Use the chord shown below. Again, you'll need your pinky to pull off from the third fret on the second string, but if your hand is in this basic position it will make things easier. E------ B---1-- index G---2-- ring D------ A------ E---2-- middle --- _ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ _ Michael J. Hoffman | |_| |/ .\| =| =| V | / \ | \| | |_| |_|\__/|_| |_| |_|V|_|/_^_\|_|\_| mhoffman@encore.com
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Crazy On You by Heart