Widow of a living man Ben Harper from The Will to Live Full credit to you if you know of and appreciate this awesome musician. The song is played on an acoustic tuned to D(DACFAd), but I will write the chords in as they are played, so if you are playing on a guitar tuned to E, Aminor becomes Gminor and so on. Intro: I think the chord is called Am2 - x02200
Verse: Am C G D Mama .. Am c G D Why .. Am C G D how .. Am C G D or .. Chorus: Am F G Am G I'm .. Am G Am G F G Am2 --> see above of a .. For subsequent verses and choruses, repeat the above pattern. Verse: Why .. now .. what .. now .. Chorus: I'm .. Verse: why .. I'm .. he's .. mama ... Chorus: I'm .. Martin Auckland NZ keane@sinesurf.co.nz