Ben Harper Beloved One off Burn to shine On the album he plays this song on the piano, but since he's using pretty much just straight chords it sounds pretty good on guitar as well. Obviously you could use just one voicing for the c but it sounds better like I've shown. c(1) C(2) G D Em |----8-----|----0---|----3----|---2---|---0---| |----8-----|----1---|----3----|---3---|---0---| |----9-----|----0---|----0----|---2---|---0---| |----10----|----2---|----0----|---0---|---2---| |----10----|----3---|----2----|-------|---2---| |----8-----|--- -----|----3----|-------|---0---|
-VERSE- C(1) D You ....meant G D C(2) I believe..... me C(1) Em (Play twice) -CHORUS- C(1) G D G C(2) G D M...............y Beloved one C(2) G D That's about it. He plays the chorus twice at certain points but if you listen to the song all that will be easy to pick up on.