Title: Roy Orbison Knows (The Best Man's Song) Artist: John Wesley Harding Album: It Happened One Night [L-FIEND CD 137] Track 16 Credits: Song written by John Wesley Harding Transcription started by "Sen" continued by William Vaughan transposed to E major and edited by Ryan Harding Chords: E {0 2 2 1 0 0} Esus4 {0 2 2 2 0 0} or {0 0 2 2 0 0} E7 {0 2 0 1 0 0} A {5 7 7 6 5 5} A7 {5 7 5 6 5 5} C#m {4 4 6 6 5 4} Cm {3 3 5 5 4 3} Bm {2 2 4 4 3 2} F# {2 4 4 3 2 2} G# {4 6 6 5 4 4} B {7 9 9 8 7 7} B7 {2 2 1 2 0 2} - bass-E string can be unplayed A: {0 0 2 2 2 0} Asus4 {0 0 2 2 3 0} A7: {0 0 2 0 2 0} D {2 5 4 2 3 2} or {2 0 0 2 3 2} B {x x 4 4 4 x}
Naming convention 1)bass runs are shown in square brackets [G# A A# B] 2)only a few bass strings to be played when ............... a line of dots is used above chords, e.g. E E F# F# G# G# 3)only play strings 2, 3 & 4 (B, G & D) for ,,,,, the end B: & A: chords with commas above: B: A: Note: This file is in 80 column format. One line's chords extend beyond 80 col so have been put on the next line (after the lyrics and a backslash character). ROY ORBISON KNOWS (THE BEST MAN'S SONG) ======================================= E A C#m F# Well your voice grips me .... A B E [bass run: G# A A# B] B7 Takes hold of ... E A C#m F# Though we try to harmonize with ... ............... A B E A: E E E F# F# G# G# When we're out of tune at least ... A B Baby its a ... D Leaves Mister ... A E I love you I know, but ... C#m F# When the only place forward ... A A Its time to think twice, ... E [G# A A# B] B7 Turn and keep walking ... A: Asus4 A: Or be my bride... E Esus4 E Or be ... E E7 A: C#m C#m Cm Bm F# Well Roy Orbison, he knows ... A B E [G# A A# B] B7 Well he told me last ... E E7 A: C#m C#m Cm Bm F# Hope this honesty ... ......... A B E A: E E F# G# A He said to lie is death to love - I ... A B Baby when the ... D So many actresses 've ... A E I love you I know, but its ... C#m F# I'm gonna tape you this song ... A A7 Its time to think ... E [G# A A# B] B7 Take me to the altar or ... A E Esus4 E Or leave me behind, yeah, ... E A C#m C#m Cm Bm F# Well my memories, they lie to ... A B E B7 Well like a runaway train, you know... E E7 A C#m C#m Cm/ I'm gonna tell 'em where you live so ....\Bm F# ........ A B E (E7) A: E E F# G A And take back and take ... A B But I no longer ... D My nervous ... A E I love you I know, ... C#m Cm F# I was foolishly .... A A7: (triplets) It was time to think twice... E C#m I hope that you blossom, I ... A A7: (triplets) Write me a postcard ... E C#m If you get married, .. A: B7 If you get married ... A: Asus4 A: Introduce me ... ,,,,, E A: B: A: E Introduce me ... =============================================================================== Notes: ====== 1. Will (see credits) tells me he was told by Wes that it is played in D usually with a capo, but this was in about 1994. On the CD, I'm sure I can hear a bass-E in the first bar or two so I've transcribed it in open standard tuning. 2. I'm pretty certain that the words are correct after initially being unsure who "'ve already started fakin'" and about "Write me a postcard make it .....", "I know it's still alive" and "Mister Logic". Whether you sing "or be my bride" etc. or "woah be my bride" is entirely up to you. 3. Don't worry too much about the specific chord fingerings for the most part, nor that you have this uncontrollable urge to play an A7 of some variety when "its time to decide" - Wes decided not too just for that verse. 4. Feel free to email me with any comments (see header for email address) or to request tabs for songs. If you have a favourite JWH song you'd like me to have a go at, let me know. I now have the four full albums, "The Name Above The Title", "It Happened One Night", "Why We Fight" and "Here Comes The Groom". If I haven't got the songs, I could only do them if you send me an audio tape with them on. If you could work out the lyrics, that would be a great help. The songs I've tabbed/chorded so far are: From "The Name Above The Title": I Can Tell (When You're Telling Lies) Save A Little Room For Me The People's Drug The Person You Are Long Dead Gone } lyrics supplied by Backing Out } Alan Pulliam - thanks from "It Happened One Night": Roy Orbison Knows (The Best Man's Song) - thanks to Will Vaughan & "Sen" Kiss/Lovers' Society {coming shortly} and from "Here Comes The Groom" The Red Rose And The Briar } thanks to Patrick Barnett and coming soon, the version not from "Here Comes The Groom" of When The Sun Comes Out } thanks to Patrick again These are archived on the guitar tab archives, ftp.nevada.edu and its mirror sites such as ftp.uwp.edu - you can find local mirror sites by using a program such as "archie". Cal Woods & Jim Carson, the new maintainers of the Nevada archive have kindly placed in it a file to aid archie searches. It is called "Nevada.Guitar.Archive". You can find the guitar directory of any nearby mirror sites using: unix% archie -m5 -N Nevada.Guitar.Archive Host unix.hensa.ac.uk Location: /pub/uunet/doc/music/guitar FILE -r--r--r-- 80 Jun 16 09:21 Nevada.Guitar.Archive Wes's tabs are archived under ???/guitar/h/john_wesley_harding 5. The FTP archive at Trinity College Dublin (ftp.maths.tcd.ie) has also uploaded a lot of Wes songs in the directory: /pub/music/guitar/h/john_wesley_harding In addition to the songs I've worked out, there is a copy of Crystal Blue Persuasion, originally by Tommy James and the Chandelles (sp?) which appears on "The Name Above The Title". There doesn't appear to be a mirror site to Trinity College Dublin. 6. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parallel lines DO meet but only incognito. Ryan Harding, Applied Optics, UKC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now no-one's sitting on the fence, whose garden will we end up sitting in?" - John Wesley Harding, "The Person You Are" from "The Name Above The Title" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------