Em Second greatest time I had was when they asked me and my dad To organise a festival along the lines of Donnington. We took Chirk Airfield as our site, booked the bands we thought were right Received the long-range from the Met ? they said it could be very wet. With this in mind we thought it wise to call the whole caboodle off. The greatest time I ever had was when we didn?t tell the bands. Boom boom boom, let me hear you say hosepipe ban. My childhood, my family, my screwed up relationships My girlfriend, my boyfriend, my suicide to come. The drugs hell, the drinks bill, Columbia Hotel rooms I do believe I?m going to plan, what say we go the Isle of Man? Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Welsh rockers Man Man Man Welsh rockers, Man Man Man Welsh rockers Rockers rockers rockers.
The Charlie in Bali, the Drake and the Superglue The oneness in Stromness, the hits and the myths These hand towels belong to my Islamic landlord. Achtung, Edwardian lampoon On no ? my head feels like sponge.