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Basket Case Live by Green Day

Basket Case Live chords by Green Day

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Key: Eb

Chords used:
Eb - x68886
Bb - x13331
Cm - x35543
Gm - 355333
G# - 466544
C# - x46664

Verse 1:
Eb       Bb
Do you have the time
  Cm      G#
To listen to me whine
About nothing and
Eb        Bb
everything all at once
Eb     Bb
I am one of those
 Cm     Gm
Melodramatic fools
  G#      Eb
Neurotic to the bone
no doubt about it

Chorus 1:
G#      Bb
 Sometimes I give
myself the creeps
G#       Bb
 Sometimes my mind
plays tricks on me
  G#        Bb
It all keeps adding up
 Eb    C#    Cm
I think I'm cracking up
  G#     Bb
Am I just paranoid?
     Eb  Bb Cm Bb Eb Bb Cm Bb
I'm just stoned

Verse 2:
   Eb    Bb
And I went to a shrink
  Cm     Gm
To analyze my dreams
She says it's lack of
sex that's bringing me
Bb    Eb    Bb
 down I went to a whore
He said my life is a
Gm    G#
bore And quit my whining
Eb           Bb
cause it's bringing her down

Chorus 2:
G#      Bb
 Sometimes I give
myself the creeps
G#       Bb
 Sometimes my mind
plays tricks on me
  G#        Bb
It all keeps adding up
 Eb    C#    Cm
I think I'm cracking up
  G#     Bb
Am I just paranoid?
       Eb Bb Cm Bb Eb Bb Cm Bb
oh yeah yeah yeah

Eb Bb Cm Bb Eb Bb Cm Bb

G#       Bb Bb(hold)
Grasping to control
         Eb Bb Cm Gm G# Eb Bb
So you better hold on

Eb Bb Cm Gm G# Eb Bb

Chorus 3:
G#      Bb
 Sometimes I give
myself the creeps
G#       Bb
 Sometimes my mind
plays tricks on me
  G#        Bb
It all keeps adding up
 Eb    C#    Cm
I think I'm cracking up
  G#     Bb
Am I just paranoid?
     Eb  Cm G# Eb Bb Eb Cm G# Eb Bb
I'm just stoned

Eb Cm G# Eb Bb Eb Cm G# Eb Bb(hold)
G# Eb Bb(hold)

Basket Case Live chords

Green Day chords for Basket case live Basket Case Live by Green Day guitar playing instructions.

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