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Mercy Walked In by Gordon Mote

Mercy Walked In chords by Gordon Mote

Guitar chords with lyrics

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Note - * means chord is 1 beat each - song is 3/4 timing

A  A7 x2

Verse 1:
  A      A7       D
I stood in the court room the judge turned my way
  A         A7     A      E7
It looks like you're guilty, now what do you say
  A    A7      D
I spoke up, your honor, I have no defense
  A      E7   A    A7*  E7* F#m*
But that's when Mercy walked in
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

 E7         A     A7
Mercy walked in and pleaded my case
E7         A      E7
Called to the stand God's saving grace
  D      Bm     A     F#m
The blood was presented,that covered my sin,
  A      E7      A A7
Forgiven, When mercy walked in

Key Change:
F7 F7

Verse 2:
 Bb       Bb7   Eb       Eb7
I stood there and wondered how could this be
   Bb   Bb7      Bb      F    F7
That someone so guilty had just been se-et free-ee
Bb    Bb7      Eb     Eb7
My chains were broken I felt born again
  Bb     F7    Bb
The moment that mercy wa-alked in

F      F7   Bb     Bb7
Mercy walked in and pleaded my case
F       F7  Bb      F7
Called to the stand God's saving grace
  Eb      Cm     Bb     Gm
The blood was presented,that covered my sin,
  Bb     F7      Bb  Bb7
Forgiven, When mercy walked in

  Eb      Cm      Bb     Gm
The blood was presented, that covered my sin,
  Bb     F7      Eb Eb* Bb* Cm* F7  Bb
Forgiven, when mercy walked in

Mercy Walked In chords

Gordon Mote chords for Mercy walked in

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Mercy Walked In by Gordon Mote guitar chords playing instructions.

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