I THINK IT'S GONNA RAIN TODAY -- PETER GABRIEL, "Scratch My Back"(2015) Exact chords tabbed out by ClassicalfreaK, 2015 ** The changes in the song are a bit hard to follow because they change so often, but bear with me, it's exact to the recording! ======================================================================= INTRO (piano) A/E A A/E A Bm A/C# D D/E VERSE A/E Broken windows D A In empty hallways A A/C# D A/C# Pale dead moon E7sus E7 A2 A And the sky streaked with grey A A/C# F#m G9 A7 Dsus D Hu-man kindness over - flowing F#m7 B7sus E7sus E A And I think it's going to rain today
INSTRUMENTAL A/E A A/E A Bm A/C# D E/D VERSE A/E D A Scarecrows dressed in the latest styles A A/C# D A/C# E7sus E7 A2 A With frozen smiles to keep love away A/C# F#m G9 A7 Dsus D Human kindness over - flowing F#m7 B7sus B7 E7sus E7 A And I think it's going to rain today BRIDGE FM7 G A FM7 G#o7 Am Lonely, lonely Tin can at my feet FM2 Think I'll kick it down the street F/C D A That's the way to treat a friend VERSE A Right before me D A The signs implore me A D A Help the needy E9 A2 A And show them the way C#m7 F#m7 G9 A7 Dsus D Human kindness, it's over - flowing F#m7 B7sus B7 E7sus E7 A And I think it's going to rain today A/E A A/E ===================================================== Enjoy! Please tell me what you think in the comments.