----------------------------------------------------------------- Alone & Easy target - Foo Fighters ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Daniel! Email: ping3pong3@hotmail.com I've seen some dodgey tabs of this on the internet, which aren't 100%. So i decided to tab this out the proper way. This way just sounds alot better than some of the other tabs. Tuning: Drop D - DADGBe | b bend | \ slide down | p pull-off
Intro x 4 e|--2--3p2-22-3p2-22-3p2-22-0-----0-0--0-0000-0--0---------------| B|--3--3---33-3---33-3---33-0-----0-0--0-0000-0--0---------------| G|-222-2---22-2---22-2---22-0-333-3-33-3-1111-11-1---------------| D|-000-0---00-0---00-0---00---444-4-44-4-2222-22-2---------------| A|-000-0---00-0---00-0---00---444-4-44-4-2222-22-2---------------| E|-000-0---00-0---00-0---00--------------------------------------| Verse (is just the same thing as the intro but with singing) x4 e|--2--3p2-22-3p2-22-3p2-22-0-----0-0--0-0000-0--0---------------| B|--3--3---33-3---33-3---33-0-----0-0--0-0000-0--0---------------| G|-222-2---22-2---22-2---22-0-333-3-33-3-1111-11-1---------------| D|-000-0---00-0---00-0---00---444-4-44-4-2222-22-2---------------| A|-000-0---00-0---00-0---00---444-4-44-4-2222-22-2---------------| E|-000-0---00-0---00-0---00--------------------------------------| Chorus x2 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------55555555------------------------| D|-0-03-5-53-0-03-7-7--3-0-3-030-55555555------0-----------------| A|-0-03-5-53-0-03-7-7--3-0-3-030-33333333------0-----------------| E|-0-03-5-53-0-03-7-7--3-0-3-030----------12-\-0-----------------| Bridge part 1 X3 e|--------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------------------------| D|-55-5-5-55-5-5-55-5-55-3--------------------------------------| A|-55-7p5-55-7p5-55-7p55-3--------------------------------------| E|-55-5-5-55-5-5-55-5-55-3--------------------------------------| then bridge part 2 (bridge continued) x4 e|-play this 3 times---------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-2222222222222-----------222222222222--------------------------| D|-2222222222222-2--2------222222222222-7\-----------------------| A|-0000000000000-3b-0------000000000000-7\-----------------------| E|--------------------then--------------7\-----------------------| Alternate way to play the second part of the bridge e|---------------------then--------------------------------------| B|-play this 3 times---------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|-7777777777777-7---7------777777777777-7\----------------------| A|-7777777777777-7---7------777777777777-7\----------------------| E|-7777777777777-10b-7------777777777777-7\----------------------| Structure: Intro ....... x4 Verse ....... x4 Chorus ...... x2 Intro ....... x2 Verse ....... x4 Chorus ...... x4 Bridge Part 1 x3 Bridge Part 2 x4 Intro ....... x2 Chorus ...... x4 Bridge Part 1 x3 Bridge part 2 x4 Lyrics They knew all along They're not dumb, they were so wrong She's not always fun Hate it now, call when I'm done Pieces fell in place Puzzles suck, laughin my face Turn and swing the pace I'll give this, keep the good waist Head is on I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Metronome I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Crazy T.V. dreams might be true Not what it seems Food and cavities, chewing words Tear at the seams He don't feel so good, don't feel bad Not that he should I don't feel so good, don't feel bad Not that I should Head is on I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Metronome I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Head is on I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Metronome I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Did you ever listen? x3 Get out, Get out, Get out x3 Get out, Get out Head is on I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Metronome I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Head is on I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Metronome I want out I'm alone and I'm an easy target Did you ever listen? x3 Get out, Get out, Get out x3 Get out, Get out
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Alone And Easy Target by Foo Fighters