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Call You Out by Flyleaf

Call You Out chords by Flyleaf

Guitar chords with lyrics

Key: Ab

🎸 Verse 1:
How can you act like you know
When all you know is to lie?
Another truth to expose
Freedom will capture their eyes

We find this truth
We fight. You lose
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🎸 Chorus:
Ab5     G5 D5
Your time’s up now
Ab5   G5   D5
That’s enough now
Ab5   G5  D5
Shut up, get out!
Ab5     G5  D5
Truth called you out

🎸 Verse 2:
I know this language of yours
I used to speak it so well
A fire meant to make pure
Is now the fire of Hell
It is written
Long before you

🎸 Chorus:
Ab5     G5 D5
Your time’s up now
Ab5   G5   D5
That’s enough now
Ab5   G5  D5
Shut up, get out!
Ab5     G5  D5
Truth called you out

🎸 Verse 3:
I hear your claims
And I know your name
I hear your claims
And I know your name

🎸 Interlude:
D5  C5 D5 F5 D5 G5 C5 D5
G5 F5 5

Out-🎸 Chorus:
Ab5     G5 D5
Your time’s up now
Ab5   G5   D5
That’s enough now
Ab5   G5  D5
Shut up, get out!
Ab5     G5  D5
Truth called you out
Ab5     G5 D5
Your time’s up now
Ab5   G5   D5
That’s enough now
Ab5   G5  D5
Shut up, get out!
Ab5     G5  D5
Truth called you out

Call You Out chords

Flyleaf chords for Call you out

What Is This?

Call You Out by Flyleaf guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Call You Out" by Flyleaf! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Call You Out" by Flyleaf with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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