Tuning: Drop C I actually met Brandon Griffin from The Faceless after a show and I had to ask him how to play this, he got a piece of paper and wrote it down for me, so this has to correct, coming out of his own mouth. So I hope you all enjoy. Good luck with the rest of the song =) cause I have no clue. F|----------------14-18-14-------------| C|-------------12----------12----------| G|----------14----------------14-------| C|-11-12-14----------------------14-12-| Fingers --L1-L2-R1-R2-L1-L3-Ho-Po-L1-R2-R1-L1-|
L1=Left hand, pointer finger L2=Left hand, middle finger L3=Left hand, ring finger R1=Right hand, pointer finger R2=Right hand, middle finger Ho=Hammer on Po=Pull off