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Satin Doll by Ellington Duke

Satin Doll tab by Ellington Duke

Guitar tabs

song: satin doll
composer: duke ellington, billy strayhorn,
     johnny mercer 1958
arranged as played by ritchie ploder, austria june 2001
email: funkhead@lion.cc

...a fingerstyle arrangement and the way i play it. as there are so many
recordings of this tune and i didn´t realy copy any of i can only name
pass and montgomery for inspiration.

...for variation (song= AABA) see last 8 bars - A

Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

||:Dm7  G7#5  |    %    |Em7  A7#5  |    %    |

 1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4
E 5/3/5-3---5-------5-----3-5--4567/5/7-5---7-------7-----5-7-----|
B 6---6-4-----------6-----4----5678---8-6-----------8-----6-------|
G 5---5-4-----------5-----4----4567---7-6-----------7-----6-------|
D ----------------------------------------------------------------|
A 5-----------4---5------------4567------------6--7-----------6---|
E ----5---3-----------5---3-----------7---5-----------7---5-------|

 |Am7  D7   |Abm7  Db7/9  |Cmaj7 Dm7   |Em7  A7#5  :||

 1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4
E ------------------6-----4-6-------------------------------5-----|
B ------------------4-----4---------5-----6---7-----8-------6-----|
G --7-----5-7-------4-----4---------4-----5---5-----7-------6-----|
D --5-----4-------------------4-5---5-----3---7-----5-------------|
A 7---6---5-------6---5---4-------3---4---5---6---7-----------6---|
E ------------5-4-------------------------------------7-6/5-------|

 ||Gm7  C7/9  |    %    |Fmaj7 Gm7   |Am7      |

 1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4
E 8-6-5-3---5-6-8---6-5-3---5-6-5---------6---------8-------------|
B 6-5-3-3---3-6-6---5-3-3---3-5-5---------6---------8-------------|
G 7-6-3-3---3-7-7---6-3-3---3-6-5---------7---------9-------------|
D 5-5-3-2---3-5-5---5-3-2---3-5---3---4---5---6---7-------9---8---|
A ----------------------------------------------------7-----------|
E ----------------------------------------------------------------|

 |Am7  D7/9  |    %    |G7   G7°   |Dm7  G7   ||

 1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4
B 8-7-5-5-----5---8-7-5-5-----5---6-------5---4---5---5---3---5---|
G 9-8-5-5-----5---9-8-5-5-----5---7-------6---5---5---4---2---3---|
D 7-7-5-4-----5---7-7-5-4-----5---5---5---5---4---3---3---3-------|
A --------------------------------------------------------2---4---|
E ----------------------------------------------------------------|

 ||Dm7  G7#5  |    %    |Em7  A7#5  |    %    |

 1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4
E 5/3/5-3---5-------5-----3-5-----7/5/7-5---7-------7-----5-7-----|
B 6---6-5-----------6-----5-------8---8-6-----------8-----6-------|
G 5---5-4-----------5-----4-------7---7-6-----------7-----6-------|
D ----------------------------------------------------------------|
A 5-----------4---5-----------3---7------------6--7-----------6---|
E ----5---3-----------5---3-----------7---5-----------7---5-------|

 |Am7  D7   |Abm7  Db7/9  |Cmaj7 Dm7   |Em7  A7#5  ||

 1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4  1  2  3  4
E ------------------6-----4-6-----3---3---5---6-----5-------6-----|
B ------------------4-----4-------5---5---6---7-----8-------8-----|
G --7-----5-7-------4-----4-------4---3---5---5-----7-------6-----|
D --5-----4-------------------------------------------5-6-7-------|
A 7---6---5-------6---5---4-------3---4---5---6---7-----------6---|
E ------------5-4-------------4-3---------------------------------|

Satin Doll tab

Ellington Duke tabs for Satin doll Satin Doll by Ellington Duke guitar tabs playing instructions.

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