From Thu May 8 16:49:58 1997 Nice little rocker, though the chorus seems a bit out of place (at least to me). I'm not positive about the Ab-Gm bits in the chorus. Ah, well. Four Little Diamonds Electric Light Orchestra "Transcribed" by Chris Gaasch Verse: G Bb C I used to think she was ... G Bb C I really cared gave ... G F# F C She said she'd rather .... G Well, I never .... Bb F And if the law don't .... C Four ....
Verse: She must be somewhere on the .... Bb F C Four little.... Chorus: Ab Eb I looked around I climbed ... Bbm F But she was gone ... Ab Eb I thought about the .... And all the ... Ab Gm Ab Gm But where could .... Ab Gm Ab Bb-B-C There's just no .... Verse: I keep wondering about her day ..... Four little diamonds Chorus: I looked around I climbed up .... Verse: I still hear her calling .....