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Wild Woman by Ebony Buckle

Wild Woman chords by Ebony Buckle

Guitar chords with lyrics

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  • Difficulty: Intermediate

wild woman come to my door
tell me a secret 1 maybe more
ask me what im doing with all
the gifts that you gave me the last time you saw me

♫ Verse 1:
Cm          D#
old woman come to my home
A#           G#   Cm
peer in the windows and find me alone
Cm                 D#
eating a meal from the food i have grown
    A#             G#      Cm
in the way that you taught me the last time you saw me

♫ Chorus:
G#        A#
have i changed at all?
G#       A#
have i grown up tall?

♫ Verse 2:
Cm            D#
strange woman hold me so close
A#             G#     Cm
don't let me stray from the path that i chose
Cm                   D#
keep me in line with your two one eyed crows
     A#            G#      Cm
that you sent here to watch me the last time you saw me

Cm D# A# G# Cm
Cm D# A# G# CmChorus:
G#        A#
have i changed at all?
G#       A#
have i grown up tall?

♫ Bridge:
am i improved by the gifts that you gave me
the way that you taught me
your clothes that you sent me
the last time you saw me

♫ Verse 3:
  Cm            D     D#
and next time i see you i'll not let you go
   A#            F      G#
i'll shut all the windows and bar all the doors
   Cm       D     D#
they never will open until you agree
  A#           F     G#
to spend the rest of your days with me

♫ Verse 4:
Cm          D#
wild woman come to my door
A#            G#
tell me a secret 1 maybe more
Cm            D#
ask me what im doing with all
  A#                    G#
the gifts that you gave me the last time you saw me

♫ Outro:
the way that you taught
the crows that you sent me
wild woman please, stay with me

Wild Woman chords

Ebony Buckle chords for Wild woman Wild Woman by Ebony Buckle guitar playing instructions.

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