Purgatory Line by Drive-by Truckers

Purgatory Line chords by Drive-by Truckers

Guitar chords with lyrics

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think this is done a 1/2 step down

Aint exacly hell sure as hell aint heaven
Love you like the dickins miss you like the devil
Guess I'll just do my time waitin in this
purgatory line
B           A        E
Angels here are wearin fancy new perfume
B            A          E
All the breads unlevened Guess it'll have to do
till I find you

you get the picture, beautiful song!

Purgatory Line chords

Drive-by Truckers chords for Purgatory line Purgatory Line by Drive-by Truckers guitar playing instructions.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #