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I Won't Stand In Your Way by Drake Bell

I Won't Stand In Your Way chords by Drake Bell

Guitar chords with lyrics

D Bm A#7 A7

Verse 1:
 A7        D        D7
I, I've got a low down dirty feeling

        G         Gm    C7
That I've been cheated on, and lied too

     D                Bm7      D7
If it's so then it's wrong, we've hold on for so long

   G          Em     A#7   A7
Why don't we have that magic anymore
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Verse 2:
     D           D7
I got a strange sneaking suspicion

        G          Gm    C7
That it's been going on for sometime now

      D                Bm        D7
Something shines in your eyes, something stirs deep inside

  Em          A7    D   D7
I won't stand in your way anymore

 G          Gm
You said that I'm just a little boy

    D    G    D   D#
Who's easily led astray

Well aren't you the same little girl

   Em7         A#7   A7
Who always gets her way

Verse 3:
       D          D7
I've got a strange sneaking suspicion

        G           Gm    C7
That it's been going on for sometime now

       D                Bm7       D7
Something shines in your eyes, something stirs deep inside

  Em7           A7    D   A
I won't stand in your way anymore

A D F# D7
G Gm C D
Bm7 D7 E
A D Gm D

 G          Gm
You said that I'm just a little boy

    D    G    D     D#
Who's easily led astray

 E           E7
Well aren't you the same little girl

   Em7         A#7   A7
Who always gets her way

Verse 4:
        D         D7
I, I've got a low down dirty feeling

        G          Gm    C7
That I've been cheated on, and lied too

If it's so then it's wrong

      Bm7      D7
We've hung on for so long

I won't stand in your way

I won't stand in your way

  Em           A7  A
I won't stand in your way

   D  G  D

I Won't Stand In Your Way chords

Drake Bell chords for I wont stand in your way

What Is This?

I Wont Stand In Your Way by Drake Bell guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "I Wont Stand In Your Way" by Drake Bell! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "I Wont Stand In Your Way" by Drake Bell with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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