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Down We Fall by Drake Bell

Down We Fall chords by Drake Bell

Guitar chords with lyrics

Cm(x34423) or (81010888)
C#maj (x8666x)

Intro: D# D# D# D#

Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
 Cm       G/B
You were so clever

   Cm      G/B     D#
You kept it together today

By the way

   Cm     G/B
I no longer ignore you

  Cm      G/B     D#
I wanted to show you again

I'm your friend

   G#     G#m     D#   B
Sometimes we just pretend

   D#      C#maj       G#
And all I can say is you saved me

 D#        C#maj         G#
Chased all the things that have made me

 D#        C#maj          G#     G#m
Entertaining thoughts are raining down we fall

Riff 1:



Riff 1   Riff1       D#
its all ok when I say you and I
Riff 1     Riff1        D#  A#7
take your time I can wait to see you fly

You don't have to wonder
I finally discovered tonight
you were right
this is just the beginning
its all that I'm trying to say if I may
you're never in my world

Chorus: (same)
and all I can say is you saved me
chased all the things that have made me
entertaining thoughts are raining down we fall

Interlude: (same until the last line)
its all ok when I say you and I
take your time I can wait to see you fly
 B   C#   D#
Aaah aaah aaaaah

Bridge: N.C.
Solo (same as chorus)
Outro: N.C.

Down We Fall chords

Drake Bell chords for Down we fall

What Is This?

Down We Fall by Drake Bell guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "Down We Fall" by Drake Bell! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Down We Fall" by Drake Bell with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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