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Big Shot by Drake Bell

Big Shot chords by Drake Bell

Guitar chords with lyrics


G5                 (F#5)
Single room in a cheap part of town
And the elevators broken down
So I walk up the stairs
No one cares about the rent
When your playing the bill as me
Dirty dishes got a stain on my shirt
I eat alone and I'm outta of work
  (B5) C5
Tell me what did you think?
I'm the same, haven't change
Just been going by a different name
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What a waste
     G      N/C
But I'm coming back to say

   G*       G7     (B5) C
I'm no big shot, big town, big money
Off to buy a jet
              (A5) G
Fly it all around the country
Sometimes when the weather's right
I sail it to the ocean stay overnight
Well I went for broke
The last time we spoke
    C            N/C
Now I'm coming back here to say
            G  G7 C
Everything is going my way

Well everything is going my way


I grab the bus from the damp hotel
I grab things and I'm ready to sell
That I'll want out of time
All the things that I loved
All the memories that use to be mine
They're gone, yeah, I've thrown them away
They're gone, and I'm gonna mess up today
Will you ask another day?
What a waste
Well I'm coming back to say
I'm no big shot, big town, big money
Off to buy a jet
Fly it all around the country
Sometimes when the weather's rightI
sail it to the ocean stay overnight
Well I went for brokeThe last time we spoke
Now I'm come back here to stay
Everything is going my way
(Musical Break)
big shot, big town, big money
Off to buy a jet Fly it all around the country
Sometimes when the weather's right
I sail it to the ocean stay overnight
Well I went for broke
The last time we spoke
Now I'm come back here to stay
Everything is going my way
Well everything is going my way

Big Shot chords

Drake Bell chords for Big shot

What Is This?

Big Shot by Drake Bell guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Big Shot" by Drake Bell! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Big Shot" by Drake Bell with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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