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Lifer by Down

Lifer tab by Down

Guitar tabs

LIFER by Down off the album NOLA
Halfway done justice by Matthew Writt

Welly welly welly well my little droogies, what have we here?

Okay fellas here's the standard DOWN style note: vibrato--use it
a lot. same w/ "hick" bends (1/4 step bends). This song is pretty
technique intensive. To get the riffs sounding right you have to
bend shit the right amount and let off at the right time and so on.
And here's my standard laziness disclaimer: I know
a guitar has more strings than there are lines on most of these riffs
but i just didn't feel like wearing out the hyphen on my keyboard.
There are some lead fills in this song that are not tabbed here. THE
This is a really fun song to play cuz when you hit all the little
nuances just right, you feel like a bit of the "ol in-and-out."
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Tuning: BEADGB

The big riff:
                 After 4X, add(in place of final bar):
           *     **      D: -----2h4--4----------
A: ----xx--4h6--xx--6^p4--6^p4--6^~~--4   A: -2h4------2--4-xx-4-2
E: ----xx-------xx---------------------   E: -------------2-xx-2-0
B: -2--xx-------xx---------------------

*To clarify my notation: bend the note(6) about a quarter step and then
pull off while un-bending the string so (4) isn't out of tune. This
technique is crucial to making the riff sound right. It may take a
little practice since it may be foreign to some players
**More fucking clarity: bend up about a quarter to half step THEN
vibrato the hell out of it.

"Is that perfectly clear?"
"...As an unmuddied lake sir. As clear as an azure sky of deepest
summmer..." (if you're not understanding these quotes, find someone who
does, have them bitch slap you, and then read A Clockwork Orange. oh,
and see the movie, it's killer.)

k, how bout some more fuckin tab?---.

E: 4--xx--67--10-9
B: 2--xx--45--8--7 then add fills in this order: 1,2,1,2.

Fill 1:               Fill 2:

D: -----------------------2
A: -----2----------2--2h4--     E: ------11-10--10-9
E: -2h4---4----2h4---------     B: 12/----9-8---8-7

There's some random lead thing I didn't bother to include. I play
rhythm but any lead guitarist worth his salt should be able to pick
it up. It's around the same area as fill 1 on higher strings. Fill 2
still seems to fit the last time through so i play that.

Bridge: 1:51

A:xx-11-xxx-11-11-11  |xx-11-xxx-11-11-11---|
E:xx-9--xxx-9--9--9-  |xx-9--xxx-9--9--9--5\|
B:xx----xxx---------5^ |xx----xxx------------|

A: 16-16-16-14-14-14--16-16-16-14-14-14--14-12
E: 14-14-14-12-12-12--14-14-14-12-12-12--14-12
B: -----------------------------------------

Figure out the order yourselves, you lazy bastards.

More Bridge: 2:29

E: -------2~-3~
B: -2-5~-2--2--
These are the same notes played in different rhythm throughout
this section.

Outro: 3:46 (the Big Riff played an octave lower by one guitar and
by both after the solo)

B: -2-xx-2h4-xx-4^p2-4^p2-4^~~-2--

y'all play nice now.

Lifer tab

Down tabs for Lifer

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Lifer by Down guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "Lifer" by Down! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Lifer" by Down with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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