From Wed Apr 2 08:52:03 1997 DONNA Donovan Leitch This is from the album ^Óthe best of Donovan^Ô according to the album this is a traditional arrangement.A great song, one of my favourites from Donovan. AM // E // AM E AM 1. AM E AM E AM F AM E AM On a wagon bound for market there^Òs .... AM E AM E AM Dm AM E AM high above him theres a swallow ....
G AM G AM all the winds are laughing, they ... G AM love and laugh the whole ... E AM and half the ... Chorus E AM Donna Donna Donna ... G AM Donna Donna ... G AM Donna Donna ... AM E AM E AM E AM Donna Donna ... 2. Calves are easily bound and slaughtered never knowing the reason why why can^Òt I have wings to fly with like the swallow Ive learned to fly All the winds are laughin, they laugh with all their might love and laugh the whole day through and half a summers night