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Melodies Haunt You by Dodgy

Melodies Haunt You chords by Dodgy

Guitar chords with lyrics

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Difficulty: Novice


    1    2    3    4    1    2    3    4
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
    D        Am       C        G
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
E |-----|---3---2---0-------0-----------|---0-------0-------3-----------|
B |-----|---3---3---3-------1-----------|---1-------1-------0-----------|
G |-----|---2---2---2-------2-----------|---0-------0-------0-----------|
D |-----0-------------------2-----------|-------0-2---------0-------0---|
A |-----|---------------0-----------2---3-----------------------0-2-----|
E |-----|-------------------------------|---------------3---------------|
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

Verse 1:

D       Am       C        G
   I need to open             up   my   eyes
D       Am       C        G
 to see what's in there           deep  in-----side
D       Am       C        G
   I got to find out           for   my-----self
D       Am       C        G
cause there is no one        there's no   one  else

Bb       Eb       C        F
    I wait for   a   thou--sand  years
  Bb       Eb       C        F
to see what you would do
Bb       Eb       C        F
    I ain't got  a   thou--sand  years
  Bb       Eb       C        F
so what  you gon----na   do

Replay Intro twice:

Verse 2:

D        Am       C        F
   I need to venture           out  much  more
D        Am       C        F
  to get much closer         the need  is  pure
D        Am       C        F
   I won't regret  a  mo----ment   from  this day
D        Am       C        F
   the key of life  is  calling     out  to  stay

Bb       Eb       C        F
    I wait for   a   thou--sand  years
  Bb       Eb       C        F
to see what you would do
Bb       Eb       C        F
    I ain't got  a   thou--sand  years
  Bb       Eb       C        F
so what  you gon----na   do


D       D/C#       Bm       G   G/F#
       I can't fi--nd  out  why
Em                   A
  the way you're treating me you'll die


those melodies haunt you    they make no sound
those melodies haunt you when there's no one around
   D                        A
those melodies haunt you        they make no sound


D        Am       C        G
D        Am       C        G
D        Am       C        G
D        Am       C        G
Bb       Eb       C        F
D        G        E        A


D       D/C#      Bm       G    G/F#
       I can't find   out  why
Em                  A
  the way you're treating me you'll die
       D       D/C#      Bm        G    G/F#
cause it's a sorry affair       but I don't really care
Em               A
    you don't  even  try-----


those melodies haunt you they make no sound
those melodies haunt you when there's no one around
   D                       A
those melodies haunt you       they make no sound


  those melodies they haunt you now
  those melodies they haunt you how
D                    A
  those melodies they haunt you now

Melodies Haunt You chords

Dodgy chords for Melodies haunt you

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Melodies Haunt You by Dodgy guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Melodies Haunt You" by Dodgy! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Melodies Haunt You" by Dodgy with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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