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Brothers In Arms On The Night by Dire Straits

Brothers In Arms On The Night tab by Dire Straits

Guitar tabs

Dire Straits ~V Brothers in Arms Version von On the night

Hi this is the tab of brothers in arms dire straits´s playing at the cd ~DOn the night~S. The tab is quite good. But especially in the last solo from mark knopfler it´s very difficult to hear if he´s banding, sliding, pulling, ... . So feel free to try to make this tab better or play in your own style.

H hammer
p pull
b band (6b7b6 means that you play hold the string on 6 and band until it has the sound of 7/ (6)b7 means that you play the string when it is banded not before)
s slide
/ volume fade in

the vertical lines only indicate a distance between the different parts
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 ... mountains


 ...return to        ...farms     ...in arms



...destruction        ...of fire


...suffering       ...raged higher       ...so bad


...and alarm       ...Brothers in arms




...worlds         ...suns          ...one world







 ...hell yeah       ...high


...farewell          ...die


...starlight          and every line...


...fools to make war on our brothers in arms

Outro Solo below:







silent			again loud

Now another guitar plays:





another guitar






You can play following to the last outro:

Tabbed by Manuel Kaspar

Brothers In Arms On The Night tab

Dire Straits tabs for Brothers in arms on the night

What Is This?

Brothers In Arms On The Night by Dire Straits guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "Brothers In Arms On The Night" by Dire Straits! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Brothers In Arms On The Night" by Dire Straits with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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