Bigger Than The Beatles by Joe Diffie

Bigger Than The Beatles chords by Joe Diffie

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Bigger than the Beatles
Jeb Stuart Anderson-Steve Dukes
As performed by Joe Diffie on "Life's so Funny"

||:G G - D|C C - D:||

G      C  G       D
He plays ....
G      C      G    D
For out-of-towners and ...
G       C  G         D
He struts and sings  ...
G           C     D    G
But he won't make it big at the ...
  D           C     G
But  she thinks that he ...
     C    G          D      G D
When he runs his fingers throug...
           C    G
And sometimes she ..
       C    G         D
'Cause she's so struck by ...

 G       D   C       G
   They gotta love bigger than ...
D      C      G    D
 Wild and Free like ...
 G        D       C        D
   They gotta a love ...
G    D      C      D
 Ain't love such a ...
G       D
 Na, na, na...
C       G
 Na, na, na..
G     C  D      G
 Na, na, na, yeah...

She pours 'em drinks, ....

But he thinks she's as ...

    Em              C
No you won't find their ...
   G         D
But they ain't ...
         Em        C
'Cause when the lights go ...
 G        D
All you need ...


Submitted by:
Jim Nelson
Manawa, WI
(Corrections welcome!!)

Bigger Than The Beatles chords

Joe Diffie chords for Bigger than the beatles Bigger Than The Beatles by Joe Diffie guitar playing instructions.

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