Little Arithmetics by DEUS

Little Arithmetics chords by DEUS

Guitar chords with lyrics

Rating: - Votes: -
- Title: Little Arithmetics
- Artist: dEUS
- Album: In a bar, Under the sea
- Date: 31st May 1998 (First version)
- Tabbed by: Bruno Claes (
- Chords by: Bruno Claes

In this song the strumming rhytm is important. Just find it out by playing
along with your CD.

Am:   002210
C:   032010
F7:   003210
F7add2: 003213

E----------0-------3--------------    E-----6-------6-----
B------------0--------------------    B-----6-------6-----
G--------------2------------------    G-----8-------8-----
D---------------------------------    D-----8-------8-----
A--0------------------------------    A-----6-------6-----
E--------------------------------- (2x) E-----6-------6-----

Am - C - F7 - F7add2

Verse I:
Am      C      F7    F7add2
Into     temptations over ....

C      G          Am
Hold me now, hoping that ...
Little arith...
C      G         Am
Got me down, they're ....
F          F       G      Am
Little arithmetics, little arithmetics.....

C - F7 - F7add2

Verse II:

- Same chords as verse I -
Sometimes I feel like I'm ....

- Play the intro again -

- Play the chorus -

- Freaking out with those chords: F - G

Little Arithmetics chords

DEUS chords for Little arithmetics Little Arithmetics by DEUS guitar playing instructions.

Other versions of Little Arithmetics

Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Little Arithmetics by DEUS

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