JUMPIN’ JUMPIN’ Destiny’s Child Great to see some Destiny’s Child tabs up. I’m not going to pretend I don’t like them :) There is already a version of this song in the archive by Dougie Fresh. My version is different: it's in a different key, has a few extra notes, and sounds (I think) closer to the original. I don’t mean to be priggish, but I think you’ll find this version slightly more accurate. This is the basic melody line of the chorus. EI--------------------------I---------------------------I BI--------------------------I---------------------------I GI--------6-6-6-6-----------I---------------------------I DI-6-6-6-----------6-6-6-7--I-7-7-7-9-9-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-7-I AI--------------------------I---------------------------I EI--------------------------I---------------------------I
EI-----------------------I----------------------------------I BI-----------------------I----------------------------------I GI-------6-6-6-6---------I----------------------------------I DI-6-6-6---------6-6-6-7-I-7-7-7-9-9-6-6-6-6-6-6--6-4-2-1---I AI-----------------------I--------------------------------4-I EI-----------------------I----------------------------------I I may have miscounted the number of times you play each note. Sorry if I did. Enjoy! Transcribed by ersatz. --------------------------------- I don't know if this is needed, but I delcare this tab as my own transcription, and not some book's.
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Jumpin Jumpin by Destiny's Child