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Browse by Decade: 2020 : Page 44

Artist Sang Type
ColdplaySquare OneChords
ColdplaySquare One AcousticChords
ColdplaySquare One UkuleleChords
ColdplayStrawberry SwingChords
ColdplayStrawberry SwingTabs
ColdplaySuch A RushChords
ColdplaySuch A RushTabs
ColdplaySwallowed In The SeaChords
ColdplaySwallowed In The Sea AcousticChords
ColdplaySwallowed In The Sea AcousticTabs
ColdplaySweet MarianneChords
ColdplayThe DublinersChords
ColdplayThe Fall Of ManChords
ColdplayThe Hardest PartChords
ColdplayThe Hardest Part AcousticChords
ColdplayThe Karate KidChords
ColdplayThe Man Who Swears Hes GodChords
ColdplayThe RaceChords
ColdplayThe ScientistBass tabs
ColdplayThe ScientistChords
ColdplayThe ScientistTabs
ColdplayThe Scientist (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayThe Scientist (Ver2)Tabs
ColdplayThe Scientist (Ver3)Chords
ColdplayThe Scientist AcousticChords
ColdplayThe Scientist AcousticTabs
ColdplayThe Scientist LiveChords
ColdplayThe Scientist Live (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayThe Scientist UkuleleChords
ColdplayThe World Turned Upside DownBass tabs
ColdplayThe World Turned Upside DownChords
ColdplayThe World Turned Upside Down (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayThings I Dont UnderstandBass tabs
ColdplayThings I Dont UnderstandChords
ColdplayTil Kingdom ComeTabs
ColdplayTil Kingdom Come UkuleleChords
ColdplayTroubleBass tabs
ColdplayTrouble (Ver2)Tabs
ColdplayTrouble AcousticTabs
ColdplayTrouble In TownChords
ColdplayTrue LoveBass tabs
ColdplayTrue LoveChords
ColdplayTrue Love (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayTwisted LogicChords
ColdplayTwisted LogicTabs
ColdplayTwisted Logic (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayUp And UpBass tabs
ColdplayUp And UpChords
ColdplayUp And UpTabs
ColdplayUp In FlamesChords
ColdplayUp In FlamesTabs
ColdplayUp In Flames (Ver2)Tabs
ColdplayUp With The BirdsChords
ColdplayUp With The Birds (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayUs Against The WorldChords
ColdplayUs Against The World (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayUs Against The World (Ver3)Chords
ColdplayViolet HillBass tabs
ColdplayViolet HillChords
ColdplayViolet HillTabs
ColdplayViolet Hill (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayViolet Hill (Ver3)Chords
ColdplayViva La VidaBass tabs
ColdplayViva La VidaChords
ColdplayViva La VidaTabs
ColdplayViva La Vida (Ver2)Bass tabs
ColdplayViva La Vida (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayViva La Vida (Ver2)Tabs
ColdplayViva La Vida (Ver3)Chords
ColdplayViva La Vida (Ver3)Tabs
ColdplayViva La Vida (Ver4)Chords
ColdplayViva La Vida AcousticChords
ColdplayViva La Vida Acoustic (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayWarning SignChords
ColdplayWarning SignTabs
ColdplayWarning Sign AcousticChords
ColdplayWe All Fall In Love SometimesChords
ColdplayWe Never ChangeChords
ColdplayWe Never ChangeTabs
ColdplayWe PrayChords
ColdplayWe PrayTabs
ColdplayWedding BellsChords
ColdplayWedding Bells (Ver2)Chords
ColdplayWhat IfChords
ColdplayWhen I Need A FriendChords
ColdplayWhere Is My BoyChords
ColdplayWhite ShadowsBass tabs
ColdplayWhite ShadowsChords
ColdplayWhite ShadowsTabs
ColdplayWorld Turned Upside DownChords
ColdplayWorld Turned Upside DownTabs
ColdplayWotw PotpChords
ColdplayX And YChords