Artist: Daft Punk Album: Human After All Instrument: 4 String Bass Tabbed by: Keith D Pearson ( Tuning: Standard (E A D G) \ = Slide up = Harmonic x = muted string I fell in love with this song the first time I listened to it. Try playing it without the muted notes first, it sounds just as good. Also, try playing it with a pick. Riff #1 G :---------------------------|---------------------------------| D :21--21xx21-20-18xx18xx18\20|xx20-18xx20-18xx20-18-19\20-18-20| A :---------------------------|---------------------------------| E :---------------------------|---------------------------------|
Riff #2 G :---------------------------|---------------------------| D :21--21xx21-20-18xx18xx18\20|xx20-18xx20-18xx20x18-18-20| A :---------------------------|---------------------------|