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Come By The Hills by The Corries

Come By The Hills chords by The Corries

Guitar chords with lyrics

Verse 1:

D      G      A     G    D
Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free
  D        G       D      G       A
And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the lochs meet the sea
     D            G     D      A
Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun
    D      G     A     G      D
Ah, the cares of to-morrow can wait 'til this day is done

Verse 2:

D        G      A     G     D
Oh, come by the hills to the land where life is a song
  D       G       D       G      A
And sing while the birds fill the air with their joy all day long
     D           G    D       A
Where the trees sway in time and even the wind sings in tune
    D      G     A     G      D
Ah, the cares of to-morrow can wait 'til this day is done
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Verse 3:

D      G      A     G     D
Come by the hills to the land where 🏷Legend re-mains
   D       G       D    G     A
Where stories of old fill the heart and may yet come a-gain
     D           G     D        A
Where our past has been lost and the future has still to be won
    D      G     A     G      D
Ah, the cares of to-morrow can wait 'til this day is done

Verse 4:

D      G      A     G    D
Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free
  D        G       D      G       A
And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the lochs meet the sea
     D            G     D      A
Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun
    D      G     A     G      D
Ah, the cares of to-morrow can wait 'til this day is done
    D      G     A     G      D

Come By The Hills chords

The Corries chords for Come by the hills

What Is This?

Come By The Hills by The Corries guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Come By The Hills" by The Corries! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Come By The Hills" by The Corries with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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