Without you and your fellow tabbers there would not be much of a site here at GuitarTabsExplorer.com. We need all the help we can get to make the tablature archive as good and accurate as possible. Please submit your tabs and chords here.
To submit, simply follow these instructions.
Before you submit your tabs, you need to learn the song and then write down the tabs in the correct format. We have made some templates for you which you can use as a start.
We like to do it personal, so send us the tabs by e-mail and we will add it to the site and get back to you. Our address is webmaster@guitartabsexplorer.com. Hope to hear from you soon.
We will check your tabs as soon as we can and all accepted tabs will end up on the site. This usually happens after a few days, but as the site is a hobby for us, sometimes we fall a little behind.
The guitar tabs should be viewed with a square font. This is a font where the letter W and the ... More.
GuitarTabsExplorer.com is the place to look for bass and guitar tabs, but what if the song is n... More.
A list of more than 1000 guitar chords, all sorted A to Z for easy navigation. You will also fi... More.