I'll See You Soon, by Coldplay. Tabbed by David Canes (This tab is modified from versions by Catherine Gagne and others after watching the live DVD. I haven't marked how many times to repeat each phrase, or the strumming pattern... just listen to the song Tune open guitar, low to high, D B D G B d To help you tune, drop the low E to D, then tune as follows: d-------------0- B----------0--3- G-------0--4---- D----0--5------- B-0--7---------- D-5-------------
CAPO on 2, low to high becomes E C# E A C# e MAIN VERSE: "So you lost your trust... "So they came for you... |-0-0----0-0-----0-------0------| |-3---0--5-7--2----2-0h2---2----| |-0------0-0--0-----------------| |-x------x-x--x-----------------| |-4------6-7--2-----------------| |-------------------------------| (part of intro, played once) |-------------| |-8--7---2----| |-0--0---0----| |-x--x---x----| |-9--7---2----| |-------------| CHORUS: "In a bullet proof vest, with the windows all closed" |--9--4--7--0-------| |-/8--0--0--7--2----| |--0--0--0--0--2----| |--x--4--7--x--4----| |--9--------7-------| |-------------------| "I'll be doing my best and I'll see you soon" |--9--4--7--0--5----| |-/8--0--0--7--0----| |--0--0--0--0--0----| |--x--4--7--x--5----| |--9--------7-------| |-------------------| "In a telescope lens..." |--9--4--7--0----------| |-/8--0--0--7--8--7----| |--0--0--0--0--0--0----| |--x--4--7--x--x--x----| |--9--------7--9--7----| |----------------------| "You lost your trust... don't lose your trust..." |---------0----| |-8-7-2---0----| |-0-0-0---0----| |-x-x-x---0----| |-9-7-2---0----| |--------------| Comments? Suggestions? email david@canes.net ________________________________________________________________________________
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Ill See You Soon by Coldplay