Title: Billie Jean (cover) Listen to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpjibsEoR5Q Because I couldn't find a tab of the Billie Jean cover by Coldplay, I watched a videoclip of Billie Jean over and over again, until I got it. The way Coldplay performs this song is in one word: Brilliant! Leave a comment if you think something is wrong with this tab. This is the part John Buckland plays: Riff A
e|--------------------------| B|--------------------------| G|--------------------------| Repeat 12 times. D|--------------------------| A|---10----8-10-8-----------| E|------10--------10-8-10---| Then the next riff comes in, after Chris Martin sings: 'She said I'm the one..' in the 1st verse. Riff B e|--------------------------| B|--------------------------| G|--------------------------| Play this riff 2 times. D|---10----8-10-8-----------| A|------10--------10-8-10---| E|--------------------------| After Riff B, play Riff A again. There are 2 other guitars (Will and Guy) in this song. They strum a few chords while John plays the riff. This is the part of Will in the verse: Bm C# Dm C# e|--------------------------| B|----3---6-------6---6-----| G|----4---6-------7---6-----| Repeat the whole verse, D|----4---6-------7---6-----| Listen to the song for the rhythm. A|----2---4-------5---4-----| E|--------------------------| The outro (solo) by John Buckland: e|-----------------|-----------------| B|-----------------|-----------------| G|---5-5h7-5---5h7-|----5h7-5---5h7--| Repeat 7 times. D|-----------8-----|--8-------8------| A|-----------------|-----------------| E|-----------------|-----------------| e|---------------| B|---------------| G|-----5h7\\\\\--| D|---8-----------| A|---------------| E|---------------|