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Jesus Stepped In by The Clark Family

Jesus Stepped In chords by The Clark Family

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Tuning: Standard tuning
  • Difficulty: Beginner


             JESUS STEPPED IN
             THE CLARK FAMILY


  C   Dm  Dm    G   G    C  C    F      G
E -------------|-------------|-------------|-----3-----------------|
B -------------|-------------|-------------|---5-------------------|
G -7/9-7-5-5/7-|-7/9-7-5-5/7-|-7/9-9-7-5-5-|-5-------7/9-7h9p7-5-4-|
D -------------|-------------|-------------|-----------------------|
A -------------|-------------|-------------|-----------------------|
E -------------|-------------|-------------|-----------------------|
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

 F        G      C
You don`t know where I have come from
 F        G      C
You don`t know where I have been
   Am    G      F C
The burden I carried was heavy
  Dm            G
And I had no peace left within

   F      G      C
The path that I traveled was hopeless
    E         Am  C
Many times I just lost my waaaay
 F          C       F
Satan would whisper there`s no way out
   G            C
You told me that too far a trade

 G     C         G
That was before Jesus stepped in
He reached all my past,
He cleansed all my sin
        C           G
He broke the chains that once held me down
      Am           F
He set me free and I`m no longer bound
      Dm         G
I was past hope but that was before
       C C F G
Jesus stepped in

 F      G       C
Friend do you find yourself hopeless
   F      G        C
Do doubt and despair seem your guide
 Am      G      F   C
Remember that Jesus still loves you
  Dm            G
And He wants to walk by your side

   F       G        C
His love and His grace can reach deeper
     E           Am C
Then the pit of despair you are iiiin
F             C      F
I know `cause I`ve been where you are now
      G            C
And I`ve questioned if there was an if

 G     C         G
That was before Jesus stepped in
He reached all my past,
He cleansed all my sin
        C           G
He broke the chains that once held me down
      Am           F
He set me free and I`m no longer bound
      Dm         G
I was past hope but that was before
       C A
Jesus stepped in

 A     D         A
That was before Jesus stepped in
He reached all my past,
He cleansed all my sin
        D            A
He broke the chains that once held me down
      Bm           G
He set me free and I`m no longer bound
      Em         A
I was past hope but that was before
       D D  A
Jesus stepped in

 A     D         A
That was before Jesus stepped in
He reached all my past,
He cleansed all my sin
        D            A
He broke the chains that once held me down
      Bm           G
He set me free and I`m no longer bound
      Em         A
I was past hope but that was before
       D D
Jesus stepped in

      Em         A
I was past hope but that was before
Jesus stepped in

Jesus Stepped In chords

The Clark Family chords for Jesus stepped in

What Is This?

Jesus Stepped In by The Clark Family guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guide for guitarists starting out on their learning journy and want to master the song Jesus Stepped In by The Clark Family. This page is specifically designed for musicians who are at the beginner level, but can be enjoyed by everyone who wants to challenge themselves with learing to play Jesus Stepped In using our chords.

Why This Page Is Perfect for You?

As a guitarist starting out, you will now build a solid foundation of skills and are ready to elevate your playing to the next level.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Jesus Stepped In" by The Clark Family with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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