From uunet!pipex!unipalm!uknet!glasgow!dam Wed Aug 26 16:49:53 PDT 1992 Article: 1845 of Path:!uunet!pipex!unipalm!uknet!glasgow!dam Newsgroups: Message-ID: References: (Kim H|glund) writes: >ICCEK@ASUACAD.BITNET (Chris Kavanagh) writes: >>Would anyone happen to know the chords to claptons crossroads.? ======================================================================== A (with a bit of fiddling about dropping the A 3rd string to a G etc) D7 C A E D7 C A =========================================== A D7 D7 C -----------------------|----2----2--------| -----------------------|----1----1--------| ----2--0--2--0--2--0---|----2----2--2-----| -2--2-----2-----2----2-|-0-----0----3--3--| -0-------------------3-|------------------| -----------------------|------------------| |-----Rpt. 4times-----|-- Pick notes----|
Back to the A pattern then it's just rock 'n roll from there on in, though use the D7 pattern after the rock 'n roll E Try using different variations on the chords to make it more interesting. Such as going from an open E to an E7 plyed as a C7 shape at the fourth fret but missing out the barre and hitting the top and bottom open strings. Try the same with the A:- play it as an E shape at the 5th but miss out the barre (don't hit the open B though). Mess around with it a bit, don't copy it slavishly These are useful variations to add during the singing parts. If you switch it to E, A7, B, these variations work pretty well. Hey! what do I know anyway? I only play this stuff and it sounds ok to me! Dave --
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Crossroads by Eric Clapton