HOMEBOY by Eric Church ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: webbdawg99 Email:adamwebb20@gmail.com Tuning: Drop D Tune the low E down one full step to D. Intro: D C G E|----------------------------------------------------2----3----3----------| B|-------------------------------3-------3------------3----3----3----------| G|------1/2----------1/2-----------0------------------2----0----0----------| D|----------4------------4-----------2----------------0----2----0----------| A|---0------------0---------2/3--------2-------------------3----2----------| D|-0-----------0-----------------------------0-1-0-1------------0--0-1-0-1-|
Listen to song for the rhythm of the chords. The progression repeats the D,C,G throughout the song. This is my first tab so go easy! ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Homeboy by Eric Church