Youtube link to the song: Chords used in this song: G Am Bm Bsus4 Cm A|--1------------0-----------5-----------7--- -------3----| E|--2------------0-----------7-----------7-----------3----| A|--1----------- 0-----------6-----------6-----------3----| g|--0------------------------------------------------5----| Intro: G Am Bm Bsus4 Verse: G Am Bm | Something senile, stale, infected. Just can't shake it off, | | Let ring (*: strum and mute instantly) G Am Bm Bm * | wonder if this was self inflicted, or if we were meant to fall. | G Am Every single time you try and make me change myself, Bm ** | I can't help to think that maybe change might be a nice hell, | **: Let ring G Am the kind of comfort that you get from dying, i dwell- Bm way too much on what you say and not enough on my health.
Pre-chorus: (D)= Down strum. (U)= Up strum. G Am Bm Bsus4 Bm G Am Bm Bsus4 (D)(U) A|--------1-----------0-----------5--7--5--------|--------1-----------0-----------5--7------7--7--X-| E|-----2-----2-----0-----0-----7-----------7-----|-----2-----2-----0-----0-----7------------7--7--X-| A|--1-----------0-----------6-----------------6--|--1-----------0-----------6---------------6--6--X-| g|-----------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------X-| Chorus: G Am Bm Bsus4 I turn you on, but only when there's something wrong, G Am Bm Bsus4 it won't be long until you get all that you want, G Am Bm Bsus4 I turned you on, was something in the way i sung, G Am Cm * | but now you're gone and I know that you'll be strong. | *: Just down strums Bridge 1: G Am Bm Bsus4 Verse 2: G Am Bm | So it seems I'm so addicted | |Let ring G Am Bm | to how you're wanting me to be, I'm so conflicted. | Bsus4 (strum and mute) G Am Bm Sometimes I don't know how I'm supposed to fix it. G Am Bm Sometimes you make me feel so restricted, I don't dig it. Pre-chorus: (D)= Down strum. (U)= Up strum. G Am Bm Bsus4 Bm G Am Bm Bsus4 (D)(U) A|--------1-----------0-----------5--7--5--------|--------1-----------0-----------5--7------7--7--X-| E|-----2-----2-----0-----0-----7-----------7-----|-----2-----2-----0-----0-----7------------7--7--X-| A|--1-----------0-----------6-----------------6--|--1-----------0-----------6---------------6--6--X-| g|-----------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------X-| Chorus: G Am Bm Bsus4 I turn you on, but only when there's something wrong, G Am Bm Bsus4 it won't be long until you get all that you want, G Am Bm Bsus4 I turned you on, was something in the way i sung, G Am Cm * | but now you're gone and I know that you'll be strong. | *: Just down strums Bridge 2: (1) (2) A|--------1-----------0-----------5--7------|--------1-----------0-------------|--3--|--3--| | (1)=1st time E|-----2-----2-----0-----0-----7------------|-----2-----2-----0-----0--------3-|-----|--3--| |x2 A|--1-----------0-----------6---------------|--1-----------0--------------3----|-----|--3--| | (2)=2nd time g|------------------------------------------|--------------------------5-------|-----|--5--| | G Am Bm Bsus4 G Am Cm (1): Oh, we could be Some-where beyond the trees, (2): so easily, so difficult for me. G Am Bm Bsus4 G Am Cm Oh, we could be somewhere beyond the beach, G Am Bm Bsus4 G Am Cm so easily, so difficult, difficult, difficult for me. Chorus: G Am Bm Bsus4 I turn you on, but only when there's something wrong, G Am Bm Bsus4 it won't be long until you get all that you want, G Am Bm Bsus4 I turned you on, was something in the way i sung, G Am Cm * | but now you're gone and I know that you'll be strong. | *: Just down strums Outro: (Slowing dows as you approach the end)