"The Wine Song" by The Cat Empire Transposed by mikejjack@optusnet.com.au A band from Melbourne, Australia that are simply diverse and totally infectious. They have a website, otherwise read about them via the Triple J website. Released a self titled album in 2003. This is track #8. Couldn't find anyhting of their's tab-wise on the net so here is something to start the ball rolling. This is a rambling rolling song about red wine. The riff is on piano, but the chords translate easy enough if you capo the 5th fret. 3/4 time for most except chorus.
D* = XX4230 Fmaj7 = XX3210 Am7 = XX2013 ----------------------------------------------------- Intro: Am E7 C D* Fmaj7 C E7 Am (pause) Verse I: Am E7 C D* Fmaj7 C E7 E Songs and melodies change and... Am E7 C D* Fmaj7 C E7 Am The songs that we sung when... Am E7 C D* Fmaj7 C E7 E If I ever found a pot of... Am E7 C D* Fmaj7 C E7 Am But I'm gonna die with a twinkle... Pre Chorus: Fmaj7 C E7 Am Tomorrow is another... Fmaj7 C E7 Am The cats... Fmaj7 C E7 Am That old rusty Fmaj7 C E7 Am Into the Milky... F(?) E7 On a river of red, red... A|-------------- E|--0---2---4--- Chorus: (4/4; tempo increase) Am7 Run, run, run..... Dm Fun, fun, fun..... Am Drink, drink, drink..... E Sun, sun, sun....... (Repeat chorus... faster!) E F E Sun... sun... sun... (pause) Verse II: Am E7 C... In summer the bushfires rage... ----------------------------------------------------- And so on with the rest of the song.