CAKE Short Skirt Long Jacket (Comfort Eagle) tab by: d*Rk tuning: standard (e,b,G,D,A,E) p= pull off h= hammer on b= bend up ' = stacatto
The Main Riff (played on intro & verse 1.Ax3): e------------------------------------------ b------------------------------------------ G------------------------------------------ D------------------------------------------ A---5----3h5p3h5^Ò--3h5p3p0----------0------ E---------------------------1---3---------- On the 4th time, play THIS RIFF: e------------------------------- b------------------------------- G------------------------------- D------------------------------- A---5---3---5------------------- E--------------2--3--4--5------- Then, the guitar plays THESE HERE CHORDS (verse 1.Bx3): D A G G A D D e----------------------------| b---7---5---3--3----5-----7--| G---7---6---4--4----6-----7--| D---7---7---5--5----7-----7--| A---5---7---5--5----7-----5--| E-------5---3--3----5--------| On the 4th time, roll on to THIS: D A G G-F#-G-F#-G-F#-G-G#-A e--------------------------------- b--7---5-------------------------- G--7---6---4---------------------- D--7---7---5--5p4-5p4-5p4-5s6-7^Ò-- A--5---7---5--5p4-5p4-5p4-5s6-7^Ò-- E------5---3--3p2-3p2-3p2-3s4-5^Ò-- ^ÓI want a girl...^Ô Then there^Òs this little one a couple of times, w/breaks (# of times varies on each chorus...): e----------------------------- b----------------------------- G----------------------------- D----------------------------- A--0--0-0-5p0-0-6p0-0-7b------ E----------------------------- ^Óand a long.... jacket.^Ô The same chord structure is again used for the ^Óna na na na na^Ô part, and then back to the main riff... i think you can figure it out. Listen to the song for the specifics (# of times for particular riffs, etc.). Also, the bass follows these riffs quite closely too. I've gotten so many tabs here, i'd like to thank everyone else for submitting things... Questions and Comments:
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Short Skirt Long Jacket by CAKE