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We Don't Care by BØRNS

We Don't Care chords by BØRNS

Guitar chords with lyrics

Intro: A G A G A
    A G A G A

Verso 1:

A        G   A     G A
I've got a case of the haunting
A      G    A    G  D  G D
I got a taste of the madman in my mind
      G      A   G A  G A
Well I used to sleep at night

Verso 2:

A       G   A    G A
Moving like everyones watching
A         G  A        G   D  G D
Shake off the shadows freak out the phantoms love
      G      A  G  A  G A
You're more than just a dove
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

Bm     C#m7
  She's my light (Woo-ooo-oooh)
Bm     C#m7       Bm
  She's my daredevil halo tonight
The world's on fire


      A  Dm
But we don't ca---re
       A   Dm C#m
Yeah we don't ca---re
Touch me
Dm    F      G
Everyone's watching but we don'?t
A G A    A   G A
   We don't care

Verso 3:

A         G    A   G A
We're face to face without faces
A         G    A      G   D  G D
Lined up from coastline to coast like static sky
      G      A  G  A  G A
Well maybe it's just goodbye

Verso 4:

A         G   A     G A
Who's playing the harlequin bass line
A        G     A      D  G D
Dancing the dance like we're seasick dominos
      G     A  G  A  G A
There's only one way to go


Bm     C#m7
  She's my light (Woo-ooo-oooh)
Bm     C#m7       Bm
  She's my daredevil halo tonight
The world's on fire


      A  Dm
But we don't ca---re
    A   Dm C#m
We don't ca---re
Touch me
  Dm    F      G
Oh, everyone's watching but we don'?t
A G     A  G A
   We don't


(A D E)

 A      D  E
(We don't care)
 A               D   E
(We don't care) We could go for days
 A               D
(We don't care) Go our separate ways

E   A   Dm
We don't ca---re
    A   Dm C#m
We don't ca---re
   Bm       Dm
Touch me, everyone's watching
D E  A   D
We don't care
E   A   D  E
We don't care
    A  D
We don't care
E   A   D E   A

We Don't Care chords

BØRNS chords for We dont care

What Is This?

We Dont Care by BØRNS guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "We Dont Care" by BØRNS! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "We Dont Care" by BØRNS with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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