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The Lords Prayer Live by Andrea Bocelli

The Lords Prayer Live chords by Andrea Bocelli

Guitar chords with lyrics

intro choir (0-48secs):
C C  G G C Dm7 G C Am Dm7 G C


 G   G  C     Dm7 G
Our Father, which art in, heaven,
C  Am     Dm7 G   C
Hallowed, , be,   thy, name.
Am E7 A7 Em
Thy Kingdom come,
Am  Dm D#7      E  E7
Thy will be,      done on
Am  F      C Am Em C
earth as it,   is in ,
Dm7 G7 C
heav   en
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
[PIANO BREAK  tempo change 9/8
  C  F   C F C   F G7  C

F C F6 C Am
Give us this, day our
F/A G7  C         Am6  B7
Dai - ly ,bread and for--give us our, debts
Am Am6        Am6 B7
 as we  forgive our, debtors
  Cmaj7         Dm
and, lead us not in to temp – tation but
D7        G  G7
 deliver us from, evil for


 C7   Em C Fmaj7 Dm7
Thine is the, Kingdom and the
 Am6  D7
 Pow - er  and the
Fm6 Abaug Fm6
Glo – ry for ,
C Am7 Cmaj7 C
ev – er,

 C7   Em C Fmaj7 Dm7
Thine is the, Kingdom and the

 Am6  D7
Pow - er  and the

Fm6 Abaug Fm6
Glo – ry    for ,
C Am7 Cmaj7 C
ev – er,

G9   G7  F C F
    A - men

 C F C Dm7 C

The Lords Prayer Live chords

Andrea Bocelli chords for The lords prayer live

What Is This?

The Lords Prayer Live by Andrea Bocelli guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "The Lords Prayer Live" by Andrea Bocelli! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "The Lords Prayer Live" by Andrea Bocelli with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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