This are from what I gather and felt similar sounds it may be wrong but sounded good enough to me. its a simple 4 chord song basically played over and over building up. You can test what strumming patterns works better for you. usually either D,D,D,D or D,D,U,D,U,D but it is different in some part of the song test and see what feels right for you Standard tuning (1st Intro] D A (after all instruments come in) D F#m E A D You turn my mourning into joy, my mourning into joy, F#m E A You break depression! D
You turn my mourning into joy! F#m E A O Jesus, you break depression, A You break depression! D Let freedom reign! D Let freedom reign! F#m E A Let freedom reign! D Break off the change! D Break off the change! F#m E A Let freedom reign! INTERLUDE D F#m E A OUTRO D F#m E A PS if your a beginner and find it difficult or kind of fast the chords changes you can play it using just D & A, just don't do the F#m and the E chords play them like a D and change on A (like 1st intro) its has kinda a slow feeling and not as good sounding but it works for the most part. God Bless.