This is an easy way to play this song using movible / barre chords. It's fun and simple and sounds good even though not 100% accurate. Mark Cox 3/08 A Barre A7 Barre F#m Barre Dm Barre F 5th fret 5th fret 2nd fret 5th fret e|-X-|---|--- e|-X-|---|--- e|-X-|---|--- e|-X-|---|--- e-X-|---|--- B|-X-|---|--- B|-X-|---|--- B|-X-|---|--- B|---|-X-|--- B-X-|---|--- G|---|-X-|--- G|---|-X-|--- G|-X-|---|--- G|---|---|-X- G---|-X-|--- D|---|---|-X- D|-X-|---|--- D|---|---|-X- D|---|---|-X- D---|---|-X- A|---|---|-X- A|---|---|-X- A|---|---|-X- A|-X-|---|--- A---|---|-X- E|-X-|---|--- E|-X-|---|--- E|-X-|---|--- E|-X-|---|--- E-X-|---|---
C Barre G Barre D Barre Bb 3rd fret 3rd fret 5th Fret e-X-|---|--- e|-X-|---|--- e|-X-|---|--- e|-X-|---|--- B---|---|-X- B|---|---|-X- B|-X-|---|--- B|---|---|-X- G---|---|-X- G|---|---|-X- G|---|-X-|--- G|---|---|-X- D---|---|-X- D|---|---|-X- D|---|---|-X- D|---|---|-X- A-X-|---|--- A|-X-|---|--- A|---|---|-X- A|-X-|---|--- E-X-|---|--- E|-X-|---|--- E|-X-|---|--- E|-X-|---|--- Intro: e|------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------| G|----------9---------9---------9-------7--6------| D|------7------7----------7--------7----------7---| A|---7------------10---------9--------8-----------| E|------------------------------------------------| Verse (all verses follow same progression) A A7 F#m Dm A A7 F#m Picture yourself on a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade F A A7 F#m Dm A skies. Somebody calls you and you answer quite slowly a girl with A7 F Bb C kaelidoscope eyes (change key) Celophane flowers of yellow and green Dm Bb C G towering over your head. Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and D she's gone Chorus G C D Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds G C D Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds G C D D D A Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ahhhhhhhh (at end of song) ahhhhh/ahhhhh
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by The Beatles