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Honey Pie by The Beatles

Honey Pie chords by The Beatles

Guitar chords with lyrics

By: The Beatles
Written: John Lennon / Paul Mc.Cartney
Album: The Beatles (The White Album)
1968 - EMI Parlophone

Playing details

Chords Used
N.B. During the song I usually play the same chords
different ways depending on which part they are in.
Just play whatever is easiest. I’ll specify a few
popular favourites here.
| Em  022000 | Eb  XX5343 |
| A7  002020 | A7#11 001020 |
| C   032010 | F#  244322 |
|    332010 | F   133211 |
| Cm  335543 | G13  320030 |
| G   320003 | G7  320001 |
|    320033 |    353433 |
|    355433 | E7  020100 |
| C,9  032030 | Am  002210 |
| A9  002423 | Eb7  XX1023 |
| D7  X00212 |    X11323 |
| D   X00232 |
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

Intro Riff (see chords for position in song)
  nh nh nh  trill

Em  A7  C Cm G
 She was a ...
Em  A7 C,9  Cm  G
      I. Riff
A7      A9 D7 C D7 C D
And if she...

G    Eb
Honey Pie...
E    A7 A7#11
 I’m in...
D7    G Eb D7
  G     Eb
Oh, Honey Pie...
E    A7 A7#11
 Come and...
D7   G F# F

G   A7   G13 G7
You became...
E7    Am  D7 C D
Makes me...

  G      Eb
Oh, Honey Pie...
E    A7 A7#11 D7 G
   Eb7   D7
Honey Pie...
G Eb E A7 A7#11 D7 G  Eb D7  G
         oooh, yeah...
G        Eb E
 I like this...
A7   A7#11 D7  G F# F
Play it to...

G         A  G G7
Will the wind...
C     E7  Am D7 C D
Kindly send...

  G    Eb
Oh, Honey Pie...
E7   A7 A7#11
I’m in...
D7    G
    Eb7   D7
G Eb7 E7 A7 D7 D7 A7 Am7 G Am7 G Eb7 D7 G

Ha ha ha, oo, oh, Honey Pie...

Honey Pie chords

The Beatles chords for Honey pie

What Is This?

Honey Pie by The Beatles guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Honey Pie" by The Beatles! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Honey Pie" by The Beatles with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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