Dona Dona (Joan Baez) >This song should be finger-picked the whole way through. You choose the >pattern. Usually, starting up from the bottom of the chord and plucking >however many strings are left to get to, over the space of one beat, >works fairly well (except at the ends of the second and fourth lines of >each verse, and the where you only have half a beat for each chord) Em D Em D Verse (I): On a wagon .................
Em C Em D B7 There's a ............................... Em D Em D High above .......................... Em C Am B7 Em D Winging ............................. D (C) G Chorus: How the ................... G7 D G They ................................. D G C Em Am Laugh ....................................... B7 Em Half ........................ D B7 Em dona dona ......... D G Dona ............... B7 Em Dona ............ Em (Am) B7sus6 B7 Em Dona ............................... This is one of my favorite - and less well-known - Baez songs; enjoy! Vera Broekhuysen