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You're A Mirror I Cannot Avoid by Bad Books

You're A Mirror I Cannot Avoid chords by Bad Books

Guitar chords with lyrics

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the second and fourth lines in the chorus.

(Signed to Favorite Gentlemen Label)

Capo 1

A             E
I caught you caroling and giving grief
F#m              C#m
Thought you were cannonballing after me
Ab             F#m Ab A    B
Now that your actions speak for themselves
And wished you well

A            E
But you're a mirror I cannot avoid
F#m            C#m
Strung out and jittery and paranoid
Ab          F#m  Ab  A   B
A leaky battery that can't keep charged
      F#m A B
Get in the car

E        C#m
And say what you mean
 A     B    E  F#m
Explain yourself to me
          C#m           B   C#m-A-B
and I'll try not to judge you more than you would
E   C#m   A    B   E   F#m
Let me help, I promise not to tell
       C#m       B   Ab-B-C#m-Ab-A
Like anyone's asking or anyone should

Break: (Same strum pattern as verse)
A, E, F#m, C#m, Ab F#m-Ab-A, B, C#m

A             E
First time I met you I was full of fear
F#m            C#m
Knew that eventually you'd disappear
Ab            F#m Ab A   B
Just when I needed you to burn to smoke
      F#m A B
And off you go

E     C#m    A  B    E  F#m
Just come back and peel away the mess
      C#m         B   C#m-A-B
Lay here beside me and open your eyes
E    C#m    A  B  E   F#m
Take it back your dignity attacked
         C#m           B  Ab-B-C#m-Ab-A
Turn back to the person you tried to let die

A               E
I caught you nesting with your antelope
F#m           C#m
Glassy eyes from kissing poison frogs
Ab         F#m  Ab A   B
Becoming infinite against his couch
     F#m  A B
Open your mouth

E      C#m    A    B    E   F#m
and say the words you used to wish you heard
       C#m         B   C#m-A-B
Back when you focused enough to be good

E       C#m    A    B    E   F#m
And if you're gone, an endless false alarm
        C#m          B   Ab-B-C#m-Ab-A
Just remember I loved you as long as I could

Outro: (Same strum pattern as verse)

You're A Mirror I Cannot Avoid chords

Bad Books chords for Youre a mirror i cannot avoid Youre A Mirror I Cannot Avoid by Bad Books guitar playing instructions.

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