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Come And Feast by Apostles Worship

Come And Feast chords by Apostles Worship

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Capo on 1st
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Key: EbIntro:

D  G
D  GVerse 1:
 You have come with the promise
  Bm    G      A
of more than we will ever need
 You are here, here inside
     Bm     G       A
and Your presence is never going to leave
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   Bm     A    G
Hallelujah, the veil is torn
    Bm    A       D
You are calling, calling us to come

✝ Chorus:
           G      D
Come and feast at the table of the Lord,
  G      D
the table of the Lord
There's more than enough
D            G        D
 Come and drink of the goodness of His love,
  G        D
the goodness of His love
There's more than enough

✝ Verse 2:
 We receive, we take hold
    Bm     G       A
of the fullness of everything You are
 We believe we are filled
     Bm   G        A
with Your glory, here inside our hearts

✝ Pre-Chorus:
   Bm     A    G
Hallelujah, the veil is torn
    Bm    A       D
You are calling, calling us to come

✝ Chorus:
           G      D
Come and feast at the table of the Lord,
  G      D
the table of the Lord
There's more than enough
D            G        D
 Come and drink of the goodness of His love,
  G        D
the goodness of His love
There's more than enough

✝ Interlude:
G D A Bm
G D ABridge:
G     D   A     Bm   G  D  A
 There's more
there's always more  Yeah
 G      D     A  Bm
Exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can
G    D     A     Bm
ask or imagine there is more
 G      D     A  Bm
Exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can
G    D      A
ask or imagine there is more
 G      D     A  Bm
Exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can
G    D      A    Bm
ask or imagine there is more
 G      D     A  Bm
Exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can
G    D      A
ask or imagine there is more there is more

✝ Chorus:
D            G      D
 Come and feast at the table of the Lord,
  G      D
the table of the Lord
There's more than enough
D            G        D
 Come and drink of the goodness of His love,
  G        D
the goodness of His love
There's more than enough

✝ Outro:

Come And Feast chords

Apostles Worship chords for Come and feast

What Is This?

Come And Feast by Apostles Worship guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guide for guitarists starting out on their learning journy and want to master the song Come And Feast by Apostles Worship. This page is specifically designed for musicians who are at the beginner level, but can be enjoyed by everyone who wants to challenge themselves with learing to play Come And Feast using our chords.

Why This Page Is Perfect for You?

As a guitarist starting out, you will now build a solid foundation of skills and are ready to elevate your playing to the next level.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Come And Feast" by Apostles Worship with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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