Uncle Salty - Aerosmith (Tom Hamilton/Steven Tyler, 1975) Chorded By: Skidaddy, Esq., G.Q. 4/4 TIME @ 124 BPM (4 Min. 8 Sec.) in 'A'. Chords Used: ----------- For A, D, Am7, and G, play either all open or all barre chords. GUITAR KEYBOARD E A D G B e Bass| Chord ------------------ -------------- A - x 0 2 2 2 0 A A-C#-E -OR- - 5 7 7 6 5 5 D - x x 0 2 3 2 D A-D-F# -OR- - x 5 7 7 7 5 Am7 - x 0 2 0 1 0 A A-C-E-G -OR- - 5 7 5 5 5 5 G - 3 2 0 0 3 3 G B-D-G -OR- - 3 5 5 4 3 3 F - 1 3 3 2 1 1 F A-C-F E - 0 2 2 1 0 0 E B-E-G#
INTRO: [11 M] DRUM SOLO Last 3 Measures ('NC' = No Chord) - ----- |A |D |Am7 |D |A |D |Am7 |D | |NC |NC |NC | VERSE #1: [16 M] -------- |A |A | Un-cle Salt-y told me? sto-? ries of a lone-ly? ba-? |A Am7 D |? Am7 A |A | ?-by, with a lone-ly kind of life? to lead? Her mam-my was? lust-ed,? dad-? |A |A Am7 D | ?-dy he was bust-ed,? they left her to be trust-ed till the |D Am7 A |G |G | or-? phan bleeds? But when she cried? at night? no? one? |A Am7 D| Am7 A |G |G | came,? and when she cried? at night,? went in-? sane? |A Am7 D| Am7 A | VERSE #2: [16 M] -------- |A |A | Un-cle Salt-y told me? when she was just a ba-by? that |A Am7 D |? Am7 A | she'd get by and may-be some-day? she'd see? But |A |A | soon she found her moth-er's? love? for all the oth-ers,? the |A Am7 D |? Am7 A | push-ers and the shov-ers was the life? to lead? But when she cried? |G |G |A Am7 D| Am7 A | ? at night? no? one? came,? and when she cried? |G |G |F |E | ? at night,? went in-? sane? BRIDGE #1: [20 M] --------- |A |A |A |A |A |A | Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? |A |A |A |A | ? my? win-? dow? Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? |A |A |G |G |A |A | ? my? win-? dow? Ooh,? oh, yeah? |G |G |A |A | Ooh,? oh,? yeah? GUITAR SOLO: [8 M] ----------- |A |D |Am7 |D |A |D |Am7 |D | VERSE #3: [20 M] -------- |A |A | Now she's do-in' an-y? for mon-ey and a-plenty,? a |A Am7 D |? Am7 A |A | sail-or with a pen-ny or two,? or three? Hers? is the cun-nin'? for |A |A Am7 D | men who come a-run-nin'? They all? come for fun and it seems? |? Am7 A |G |G |A Am7 D| ? to me? that when she cried? at night? no? one? came,? | Am7 A |G |G |F |F | and when she cried? at night,? went in-? sane? |A |A |A |A | ? CODA: [37 M] Since the original fades out at the end, just hold the final 'A' - ---- |A |A |A | Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? [Ooh,? it's a sun-?] |A |A |A | ? Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? [-ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? ] |A |A |A | ? my? win-? dow? Ooh,? it's a sun-? [Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? ] |A |A |A | ?-ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? [? Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side?] |A |A |A | Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? [?my? win-? dow? Ooh,? it's a sun-?] |A |A |A | ? Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? [-ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? ] |A |A |A | ? my? win-? dow? Ooh,? it's a sun-? [Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? ] |A |A |A | ?-ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? [? Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side?] |A |A |A | Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? [?my? win-? dow? Ooh,? it's a sun-?] |A |A |A | ? Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? [-ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? ] |A |A |A | ? my? win-? dow? Ooh,? it's a sun-? [Ooh,? it's a sun-? ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? ] |A |A |A |? | ?-ny? day? out-side? my? win-? dow? [? Ooh? ]
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Uncle Salty by Aerosmith